
Stem For Life
Kenya Foundation

Welcome to STEM For Life Kenya Foundation, a registered Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) based in Kenya, dedicated to catalyzing positive change through the power of education and innovation.

Our Mission Unveiled

Building a Better Future At SFL-K, we believe in the transformative potential of science, technology, engineering, and math. Our mission is to ignite a passion for these fields among the youth of Africa and equip them with the tools they need to become the problem-solvers and change-makers of tomorro

Our Vision

Our vision is to empower generations of African inventors and STEMprenuers in order to create a better world.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to bridge the digital divide in Africa, boost STEM graduates, and drive innovations to solve continental challenges and propel Africa forward.

Our Picture of Success

Our picture of success is a better world, made possible through application of scientific and technological innovations.

The Problem.

In Africa, a digital divide persists due to limited ICT skills, physical infrastructure access, and cultural attitudes, hindering equal opportunities. Despite education efforts, STEM graduation rates remain low, while pressing challenges like food security and resource conflicts persist, often addressed through social and cultural means.

Lack of ICT Skills and Support

Communities living in far flung and remote areas lack trainers skilled in computing and technology skills. These communities are often precluded from accessing latest technology information and knowledge thus leading to widening digital divide from counterparts in urban areas.

Lack of Physical Access to ICT Infrastructure

Underserved African communities face limited STEM engagement due to costly technology tools, low internet access, and electricity challenges. STEM Tech Kitting, with basic equipment and skills, offers a solution to promote hands-on STEM learning.

Cultural and Behavioural Attitude towards STEM

Cultural biases hinder gender, disability, and age diversity in Africa's tech scene, limiting STEM opportunities. Inadequate policies, resources, and activities lead to low female STEM enrollment (35% globally) and just 30% of scientists in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Kitstudents, Teachers, instructors and trainers with computers and laptops through our STEMforLIFE #1mDevicesKE program;

Expand STEM and tech knowledge in underserved East African communities, promote STEM in schools through interactive methods, and empower educators with STEM skills through STEMforLIFE #DigiAfrica Training.

Address cultural barriers, create awareness and interest in STEM in East Africa targeting parents, gender divide, age barrier and students through our STEMforLIFE #BeyondTheCeiling campaign;

Our Goals & Targets

STEMforLIFE #1millionDevicesKE which is our campaign to ensure we supply 1m devices in EA;

STEMforLIFE#DigiAfricaTraining which is a digital literacy training and upskilling program targeting STEM teachers and trainers;

STEMforLIFE#BeyondTheCeiling Campaign which is our outreach program to address cultural barriers towards STEM targeting parents, gender divide, age barrier and campuses

Dedicated to advancing science, technology, engineering, and math


At SFL-K, we foster a deep understanding of the natural world through science education. Our programs enable students to explore and comprehend the wonders of science, instilling in them a sense of curiosity and wonder about the universe.


We equip students with the knowledge of how objects and computers can be harnessed to tackle complex problems. By embracing technology, we empower the next generation with valuable skills that drive progress and innovation.


Our focus on engineering allows students to unravel the mysteries of how things are designed and built. Through hands-on experiences, they learn to think like engineers and solve practical challenges creatively.


Numbers, shapes, and quantities become an engaging adventure as we delve into the world of mathematics. Our students develop a strong foundation in math, which forms the basis for problem-solving and analytical thinking.

Every success story we encounter reinforces our belief in the immense potential of Africa's youth and their ability to shape a brighter future.